The following poem was written during a retreat in Rhinebeck, New York in September of 2022 when looking out at the view in the featured image.

Heaven on Hudson
Be with me, you stillness
of distant and unchanging beauty
who makes grand motion serene,
mankind nature, and noise silence.
Your warm breeze and loving Sun
light bounces from leaf to wave
unseen tumult paints picturesque peace
where the artist watches.
The Sun falls and sleeping green hills
slip into the current
where sails float like birds between
sky and water split by branches.
To be with you is to glimpse the eternal
fields of Elysium overlooking the Styx
far upstream, near you
in Heaven; here I will sit.
Frank J. Connor is the author of The Ridiculous Man and The Progressive Reports. He is a former journalist at Fox News and worked as an analyst at a prominent bond rating agency. Frank graduated from Villanova University in 2019, where he earned a degree in economics and wrote his first book. After years of discernment, he responded to a call to the Catholic priesthood and entered the Order of Saint Augustine in the summer of 2021 where he is currently in formation.